Friday, 24 March 2017

How this Journey came about

How this page came about... after forty over years of existing, life hit me with a mighty dose of perimenopause. I didn't know what hit m, and through months of doctors' visits, I discover I am perimenopausal and with it comes quite a few health issues, physically, mentally and emotionally. Truth be told, I've not been living as healthy as I should have... poor diet, no exercise, lack of sleep and rest, smoking and some imbibing, uncontrolled stress levels, etc etc etc.

Huge lifestyle changes has to take place. Now I'm exercising regularly, eating much healthier, cutting down on the smokes (and working towards quitting entirely, fingers crossed..I CAN DO THIS!), and trying not to over think and worry unnecessarily. This last one is the hardest for me, apparently I have probably been having Generalised Anxiety throughout my life, and the perimenopause brought my anxiety to the max. I actually walked into the A&E of the hospital thinking I was having a heart attack. The next visit there was because my blood pressure was sky high. Anxiety. Does funny things to you, but it's not funny or fun at all.

Friday, 10 March 2017

Shoes. For. Health.

Huh? whaddawhat? Shoe for health?


Shoes for health.

I need new running shoes... for my health. I am now facing peri-menopause (long story on how I discovered that I am at THAT time of my life, and no, it wasn't via the conventional way of the stopping of the monthlies. I will safe that loooong story for another post later on) and Doc said to keep on my feet, hence brisk walks and running.

My old beloved Nike Frees Everyday has given up its ghost. I have re-glued many, many times over. Not saying that Nike shoes are flimflamsy - they are top notch! I've had this pair of Nike Free for many years, and they have served me well. Just that I kinda bonded with the pair of shoes. There were many firsts that I had with this pair of shoes, mostly many first time experiences with kids.

Sayonara my Nike shoesies. New shoes, new steps, new firsts.