I was just having a WhatsApp convo with my doc ( Doc Sue from Klinik Genesis in SS19 Subang is such a darling. She's a great listener, she's got great intuition, she's caring and she's so funny.. I call her my angel and she cheekily said that she can be secretly devilish - how not to love a cheeky funny doctor like that!!), oh yeah, I have now been diagnosed with Costochondritis, Hypothyroid and low progesterone. Yup yup, new conditions, meh. Even my 7 year old asked me why I have so many conditions 😳😳
I have started taking natural thyroid (you can also Google Armour Thyroid), and Natural Progesterone for my newly diagnosed conditions. As for the Costo, I now know my own physical limits, and not push it, especially when I am having a flare up. Gentle yoga and stretches during those times for me.
Anyways, back to our WhatsApp convo.. she said something that hit me with twanging and resounding clarity. She said she hopes that I will be my old self soon, and that I will embrace my new journey. Embrace. I do look forward to being my old self, more carefree, less anxious, and happier. And I am excited to embrace my journey to a better self as well.