Thursday, 4 May 2017

Kitchen Trails - Dried Red Dates Tea

I have been having some problems with my red blood count, the doctor has been saying that I am borderline anaemic and my condition has not been improving. This is probably due to me almost totally cutting out red meat from my diet due to my cholesterol levels. I have been eating beans and soy products and eating so much leafy green veggies until I almost have those veggies coming out of my ears!

The Chinese in me has always known about red dates being good for the blood. So I turned to Google and did some research. Turns out that this tea might help my insomnia and anxiety as well. So I am giving it a try.

Today I made some red dates tea with goji berries and dried longan pulp. Now, though some things have plenty of nutrients and all the goodness, everything should be in moderation. And for the Goji berries, please do take note and do research, as it has some side effects as well, especially on those with blood pressure problems and those on warfarin as Goji berries has a blood thinning effect. So, do more research on red dates, goji berries and the longan fruit.

For this tea, I used just dried red dates, dried goji berries and dried longan pulp.

4 red dates, washed and make a slit into the fruit to take out the seed
8 goji berries, washed
a small handful of dried longan, washed
1 litre of water

Put all the ingredients into a pot and bring to boil. Once it's boiling, turn down the heat to just let it simmer for 15-20 minutes. 

I would not eat the dates or goji berries, though I might eat the longan. You could use a strainer to strain out all the liquid. Could be consumed warm or cold.

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