Health is not just restricted to physical well being. Our emotional and psychological well being is just as important.
It's not just what we put into our mouth - ngap ngap ngap gulp gulp gulp - that matters. It's how we take care of what we have in our head and heart (figuratively speaking) as well. Our mental well being, our emotional health.
I've always been aware of mental and emotional wellbeing. You know, the ones where we do brain quizzes and whatnots so that our minds are active and doesn't rust with non usage and all that, and to do good deeds so we are "good people", etc etc etc.
When I realised that I suffer from anxiety, I know that it's more than just that. What I think about or let myself dwell on and the direction of my thoughts is very important as well. And it's something I have to constantly remind myself to train myself to not go down that path. Don't judge me. That is what works for me to cope. You do your thang, and I'll do what I need to cope.
ALSO..... I need to help myself first and do good deed to feed my soul before I can go and help others.
Correct or not? That was rhetorical. Borderline sarcasm even. I wasn't looking for answers, more like compounding my own coping mechanism. Hehehehehehehe
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